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17 May 2023

Three candidates running for ASOIF Council positions at upcoming General Assembly

The ASOIF General Assembly will vote to elect three Council members during its upcoming annual meeting, to be held in a hybrid format on 31 May 2023 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The date will coincide with ASOIF’s 40th anniversary.

Three positions in the Council will become vacant as the current mandates of Marisol Casado (World Triathlon), Ingmar De Vos (International Equestrian Federation) and Morinari Watanabe (International Gymnastics Federation) are coming to an end. Ingmar De Vos and Morinari Watanabe are standing for re-election, whereas Marisol Casado will finish her third and final term of office. Petra Sörling (International Table Tennis Federation) has been nominated by her federation for election. The official nomination deadline was 16 May 2023, according to the ASOIF Statutes.

The ASOIF Council is composed of eight individual members – all leaders of Summer Olympic International Federations (IFs), and the ASOIF Executive Director (ex officio without voting rights). The President and the other Council members are elected for four-year mandates by the General Assembly. Tasks of the Council include to prepare, conduct and manage the General Assembly as well as to implement the decisions taken by it. Click here to learn more about the Council and its current composition.

This year’s ASOIF General Assembly and the Council elections will be livestreamed on YouTube. Other items on the agenda include decisions on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games IF revenue share scheme, ASOIF Statute amendments and membership admissions. The ASOIF members will receive an update of ASOIF’s Governance Task Force; as well as in-person reports from the International Olympic Committee, the Paris 2024 Organising Committee, the World Anti-Doping Agency and the International Testing Agency. Click here to view the full agenda.