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ASOIF's Mission

ASOIF’s mission is to unite, promote and support the Summer Olympic International Federations (IFs); to preserve their autonomy, while advocating for their common interests and goals; to act as an added value provider to the member IFs and the Olympic Movement at large.

ASOIF's Role

ASOIF’s role is to serve and represent the Summer Olympic IFs in the most competent, articulate and professional manner on matters of collective interest in the Summer Olympic Games, Summer Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement, and on any other subjects deemed necessary by the IFs.

Mission of the International Federations

The IFs have the responsibility and duty to manage and to monitor the everyday running of the world's various sports, disciplines, including the delivery of their events during the Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games, and the supervision of the development of athletes practising these sports at every level. Each IF governs its sport at a global level and ensures its promotion and development. They monitor the everyday administration of their sports and guarantee the regular organisation of competitions as well as respect for the rules of fair play.


On 30 May 1983...

...the 21 IFs governing the sports included at the time on the programme of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games decided to establish the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations - ASOIF.

The members of ASOIF have since grown to 30 Full Member IFs and two Associate Member IFs. 

All members come together once a year in a General Assembly. The General Assembly usually precedes a joint meeting between the International Olympic Committee and the IFs where a multitude of topics are discussed in the common interests of the Olympic Movement.

ASOIF is governed by an executive body, the Council, which consists of eight individual members, all of which are leaders of Summer Olympic IFs, and the ASOIF Executive Director.

The ASOIF Scretariat is located in Lausanne, Switzerland and is led by the ASOIF Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director.